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Save $100 on
microbiome tests

Test your microbiome with Viome, so you can finally:

  • Discover your unique Superfoods

  • Support better digestion + regularity*

  • Boost gut-related immune health* 

  • Relieve occasional gas + bloating*

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Reset and restore your health with the only
nutrition plan made just for you*

Test your microbiome, get actionable recommendations, and optimize your long-term health with the world’s first made-for-you system personalized entirely for your biology.*

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Analyze your microbiome with a Viome Test

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Get detailed Health Scores + food recommendations

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Support with tailored supplements + biotics*

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Boost energy, improve sleep + enhance immunity*

On the foreground we see a black box with the text "Viome full body intelligence". Behind that box we see a gray box with the text "Viome gut intelligence"

Microbiome Tests



  • Up to 50+ Health Scores

  • Personalized food

  • Precision supplement +
    biotic recommendations

Save $100 on all Viome Tests with code RESET100

A glass of water is placed on a table next to a wooden dish containing several green capsules. A hand is reaching for one of the capsules. Two small packets, one teal and one white, are also on the table beside the dish.

Personalized Plans



  • One-time use:

    • Viome Intelligence™ Test

  • Monthly supplies of:

    • Precision Probiotics + Prebiotics™

    • Precision Supplements™

    • VRx My·Biotics™ Oral Lozenges (Oral Health only)

Save 15% on your first 6 months of supplements and biotics.
Use code RESET15

Join hundreds of thousands of others
changing their health with Viome

Over 650,000 tests taken, and counting

“It’s truly amazing how much better I feel by avoiding the foods I'm not supposed to have, adding in my superfoods, and taking Viome personalized supplements.”

    Marsha F - Headshot

    Marsha F.

    Viome Customer

    “I’ve been religiously following my recommendations for 3 years... I’m never tired, and I’m about as lean as I’ve ever been (I played college and professional sports)... consistency is key!”

      Luke Bonner - Headshot

      Luke B.

      Viome Customer

      “The results speak for themselves. I’ve lost pounds, and I'm still losing from eating exactly what the data says I need to help my body and optimize fat loss and performance.”

        Dawn A - Headshot

        Dawn A.

        Viome Customer

        [Common] Rating - White

        Take the next step to reset your health

        Save $100 on all tests and 15% off 6 months of a new plan, today.