
Ultra Nutritious Morning Smoothie


Smoothies are a great way to get a ton of nutrients first thing in the morning to get your day started right. This recipe comes from our very own Viome Translational Science Nutritionist, Hilary Keiser. She makes this smoothie every morning for herself as part of her regular healthy routine. It gets her started with a good serving of protein from the powder and peanut butter, plus her full daily dose of her personalized Viome Precision Supplements, so she's ready to go!

The versatility of smoothies is endless and adding ingredients like fresh or frozen fruit and leafy greens are great choices. However, it's good to be mindful about adding sweeteners like honey, agave, fruit juice or flavored yogurts, as too much added sugar can be bad for your teeth and oral and gut microbiome.


1/2 frozen banana

1 serving chocolate protein powder (I like chocolate Ora Organic Protein)

2 tablespoons organic peanut butter** (or nut butter of your choice)

1-2 cups organic cold brew coffee**

1 tablespoon organic fair-trade cacao powder

Handful ice cubes (use coffee ice cubes for more coffee flavor)

Your Viome Precision Supplements (stick pack and/or capsules)*


Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth. Your regular "old-fashioned" blender works great, or a hand blender in a tall cup, as well as a bullet blender.

Recipe Notes from Hilary:

*If you have a hard time taking pills or supplements, this recipe is fantastic for hiding your pills or powders. In addition to Precision Supplements, green powders, mushroom powders, omega oils, fibers, etc., all mix well in this recipe without sacrificing the flavor.

How to open supplement capsules: Hold the capsule with two hands over the blender. Simply pinch the opposite ends of the capsule, pull apart, and empty it into your blender.

**Coffee and peanuts are commonly sprayed with pesticides. Choose organic coffee and peanut butter when possible. If decaf coffee is your choice, be sure to look for beans decaffeinated through the Swiss Water Process to avoid the harsh chemicals used to remove caffeine. Cold brew is super easy to make at home using your regular or decaf grounds. You can also save leftovers from your morning pot of coffee and store in the fridge for future smoothies.